


James Education Center  is a quite known education center that is located in Bogor.

While everybody’s racing to teach English conducively, James makes it different. James makes learning English funner, slighter, easier, and the special thing, James develops your creativity in using English. 


Because we know that learning a language is not easy. It’s kind of boring and too theoretical. So, by having the different way of studying, James comes with a different innovation. We educate people with heart, so that we help them wholeheartedly. Because we know that by making a class fun, lessons will be absorbed well. 


Time doesn’t matter. James accepts anyone in any ages. Don’t think that age matters. People could study in James starting from kids to adults. Why does James provide classes from any ages? Because, by registering to James, we already know that you want to study in the right place. So, why should we reject people who already intend to study in the right place? 


You can visit James at

Jl. Renawijaya Sport Center, Kios no. 8, 9, 10
Viladuta, Bogor - Jawa Barat 16143
Phone/Fax: +62 251 836 1710

And the main reason we chose this place because, it’s easy to be found and it has many facilities!


YOU should be the one that joins James if you want to study English differently and achieves better result. 

So, what are you waiting for?


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